Sanford Meisner, the great American actor, once said that ‘acting is behaving truthfully under imaginary circumstances’ and while doing so, you end up playing a role that becomes iconic. Kate Winslet’s character as Rose in ‘Titanic’, Gwyneth Paltrow as rosemary in ‘Shallow Hal’, Blake Lively as Serena Van Der Woodsen in ‘Gossip Girl’, and Jennifer Garner as the title character in ‘Elektra’ are certain roles that fans refuse to forget.
However, these stars are not so proud of these roles.
In an interview with Telegraph, co,uk, Winslet says that she felt ‘awful’ of her British accent in ‘Titanic’
She said in a 2012 interview, “Every single scene, I’m like ‘Really, really? You did it like that?’ Oh my God…Even my American accent, I can’t listen to it. It’s awful. Hopefully it’s so much better now. It sounds terribly self indulgent, but actors do tend to be very self-critical. I have a hard time watching any of my performances, but watching Titanic I was just like, ‘Oh God, I want to do that again.'”
Same is with Paltrow who described the Jack Black comedy ‘Shallow Hal’ as one of her low points in her career during a chat with Netflix.
She even explained how she was treated differently while wearing her character’s fat suit.
“The first day I tried the fat suit on, I was in the Tribeca Grand and I walked through the lobby. It was so sad. It was so disturbing. No one would make eye contact with me because I was obese,” she said.
Next is Blake Lively, who in an interview with Allure magazine, said that playing a privileged and troubled character in ‘Gossip Girl’ was at times “personally compromising.”
“I would not be proud to be the person who gave someone the cocaine that made them overdose and then shot someone and slept with someone else’s boyfriend. People loved it, but it always felt a little personally compromising—you want to be putting a better message out there,” she said in the interview.
Lastly, Jennifer Garner as ‘Elektra’ was ‘awful’ too, according to her ex-boyfriend Michael Vartan. Us Weekly reports that Vartan, who briefly dated Garner, reportedly told him her “Daredevil” spin-off wasn’t her proudest piece of work.