BJP National President Jagat Prakash Nadda on Sunday accused the Ashok Gehlot led Congress government in power in Rajasthan on the threefold counts of – inaction, betraying people and failing to provide relief during the coronavirus induced lockdown.
Nadda was addressing the Rajasthan BJP unit workers and leaders through a video conference. He also said that the rising crime graph in the state was an indication of the crumbling administration in Rajasthan.
“The Ashok Gehlot government has proved inactive during the lockdown. Instead of providing relief, the government has betrayed people,” Nadda added.
He further said that the government was doing nothing except nepotism.
The Rajasthan government had recently survived a trust vote in the assembly. Ashok Gehlot-led Rajasthan government had taken a trust vote on August 14 after it was tabled by Rajasthan’s Law and Parliamentary Affairs Minister Shanti Kumar Dhariwal.
The Congress government had attacked the BJP over its alleged attempts to buy Congress MLA’s during the assembly session held on August 14. The Rajasthan political crisis ended after former rebel party leader Sachin Pilot made a comeback to the party.