Team India skipper Ajinkya Rahane on Wednesday downplayed media reports that the Indian contingent was unhappy with being confined to the hotel in Sydney due to the quarantine protocols. Rahane said that the team was ‘not annoyed’ with the strict bio-safety protocols that have been imposed in Sydney to check the spread of COVID-19. The captain though conceded that it was ‘challenging’ to be confined when life outside their five-star facility hotel seemed to be ‘normal’.
Team India had undergone a quarantine when they arrived in Australia ahead of the tour. But the restrictions in Sydney require them to undergo another one ahead of the third Test. There were unconfirmed reports in Australian media that the Indian contingent has been unhappy with the quarantine protocols. Even for the fourth Test in Brisbane, the team wouldn’t be allowed to move out of their respective rooms.
“We are not at all annoyed but yes there are some challenges in quarantine as life in Sydney is completely normal. We are not at all annoyed and we know what’s our priority here,” the Indian captain made it clear while fielding a series of questions on the eve of the third Test.
The four-match Test series is currently level 1-1. Both India and Australia would look to win in Sydney in order to take a lead. Both sides have been boosted by new additions. While Rohit Sharma is making his return to Team India, Australia now have the option of selecting regular opener David Warner. Both these players had missed the first two Tests due to an injury.