Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday announced that he has tested positive for the coronavirus disease. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) chief is isolating at home.
“I have tested positive for Covid. Mild symptoms. Have isolated myself at home. Those who came in touch wid me in last few days, kindly isolate urself and get urself tested,” Kejriwal said in a tweet.
Here’s the tweet:
Arvind Kejriwal has undertaken many trips to poll-bound states like Goa and Punjab to campaign for his party. AAP is looking to emerge as a formidable force in both the elections.
Also read: What is ‘Florona’ disease? The first influenza virus that reported in Israeli woman
In April last year, Kejriwal’s wife Sunita had tested positive for COVID-19 after which the chief minister had isolated himself.