Speaking in the Rajasthan Assembly during the debate over confidence motion, Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot on Friday targeted the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) repeatedly. Gehlot said he has been in politics for long and that he won’t let any attempt to topple his government succeed. Though Gehlot attacked the opposition BJP for trying to create a rift within the Congress, he laced his speech with a subtle message for Team Sachin Pilot.
Accusing the BJP leadership of conspiring against the Congress government in Rajasthan, Gehlot said, “everyone knows what happend in Karnataka, Goa, Madhya Pradesh, but we will not allow to happen that in Rajasthan.” He said that the BJP is thinking of toppling governments even during a pandemic.
“I am 69 years old. I have been in politics for 50 years. I have been a Union minister, chief minister because of this democracy. I am worried for this democracy. Why are you not?” Ashok Gehlot said pointing towards Gulab Chand Katra, the Leader of Opposition in Rajasthan Assembly.
As soon as the debate began in the Assembly, BJP MLAs were quick to notice a change in seating position of Sachin Pilot, who returned to the Congress after over a month-long revot against Gehlot. Pilot, who was Deputy Chief Minister, sat next to CM Gehlot in the Assembly on previous occasions. However, he was seen seated near the Opposition benches.
Responding to the constant jibes from the Opposition benches, Pilot said that only the ‘strongest warrior is sent to the border’
“When I came to the house and found that my seat had been changed, I was wondering why. When I sat there (pointing to the government benches), I felt safe. Now I am next to the Opposition. Then I realized that I have been sent to the sarhad (border). That is because only the bravest and strongest warrior is sent to the border,” news agency ANI quoted Pilot, as saying.
“Earlier, I was part of the government but now I am not. It is not important where one sits, but what is in the hearts and minds of people. As far as the seating pattern is considered, it is decided by Speaker and party and I don’t want to comment on it,” he added speaking to reporters outside the Assembly after the session was adjourned till Friday, August 21.