Monday blues are real, but trust Bollywood actor Sophie Choudry to beat them and how! While the actor regularly gives a glimpse of her workout sessions with her fitness trainer Yasmin Karachiwala, the duo has taken the idea of Monday motivation quite seriously this time, it seems.
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Karachiwala took to Instagram to motivate her followers to hit the grind with a video that showed Sophie Choudry’s fitness journey from a “history of multiple injuries like slip disc” to a fit and healthy Pilates aficionado. The celebrity trainer wrote, “You have heard Sophie’s melodious voice, now watch her flawless Pilates moves. @sophiechoudry has been working out with me since 8-9 years (sic).”
“When she first came to me for Pilates, she had a history of multiple injuries like slip disc…. but she was always determined to overcome this and be a better version of herself. After a few Pilates sessions, her body transformed and that shows, we must never give up… There is always a way to work on your body (sic),” she added.
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While the two can be seen sweating it out on Reformers, Core Aligns, Trapeze and Step Barrel, the postures and plastered smile on their faces are as inspiring as it gets.
Pilates and its benefits
Yasmin Karachiwala has become synonymous with pilates in India, but what really gets her going? Apart from the fact that her videos and collaboration with celebrities remain the talk of the town, the observed transformation of her clients because of pilates has given all the more reason for the exercise to be increasingly adopted.
Pilates is named after its creator, Joseph Pilates, and primarily focuses on muscle balance, postural accuracy and core strength. The regime not only results in increased flexibility and strength, it also boosts the process of fat loss, resulting in a leaner build. With exercises that improve your cognitive skills, Pilates should be on the top of your to-do list to beat the pandemic blues and get the body you’ve been dreaming of.