India’s coronavirus cases rose up to 1.45 crore with 2,34,692 fresh infections – the biggest single-day spike so far. A total of 1,341 deaths were reported on Friday. In less than a week, the country has recorded 10 lakh new cases. In a tweet appeal, PM Modi has said that the Kumbh Mela, which is being held in Uttarakhand’s Haridwar, should “now only be symbolic”. Tens of thousands of pilgrims have gathered at the banks of river Ganges to observe the rituals related to the Kumbh. A total of 2,167 people have been tested positive between April 10 and 14 in Haridwar. Fears of violation of Covid protocols at the event has sparked nationwide concern, but a major section of top seers are adamant on staying in Haridwar till the end of the Kumbh mela on May 26.
As the country is fighting against the deadly virus, here’s the list of Helpline Numbers of States & Union Territories (UTs):
The number of active coronavirus cases in the country has surpassed the 16-lakh mark, the ministry’s data updated at 8 am on Saturday showed.
Ten states and union territories, including Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and Delhi, account for 79.32% of the new coronavirus cases in the country.