Manoj Tiwari, who is a member of the BJP, announced on Tuesday that he tested positive for COVID-19. He also called off a poll rally in Uttarakhand scheduled for Monday due to “mild fever and cold.”
Tiwari, 50, wrote on Twitter, “I was feeling unwell. Due to mild fever and cold, I could not even go for the Uttarakhand-Rudrapur campaign yesterday. The test result that came today shows I am positive. Taking precaution, have isolated myself. Please take care of yourself and your family.”
According to his staff members, the BJP MP has tested positive for COVID-19 second time, earlier he had tested positive during the second wave of coronavirus pandemic in April 2021.
He has to address a rally in Lucknow on January 7, which has been called off now, one of his staff members told PTI.
Also Read: Arvind Kejriwal’s health history: Delhi CM tests positive for COVID-19
The announcement came hours after Delhi’s Chief Minister also tested positive for the virus. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) chief has been isolated at home and had “mild symptoms”. Meanwhile, Delhi BJP spokesperson Harish Khurana has also tested COVID positive.
According to reports from India Today, the Delhi Disaster Management Committee (DDMC) will conduct a meeting on Tuesday to review the COVID-19 situation in the national capital.
As of Monday, the coronavirus positivity rate in Delhi was recorded at 6.46%. Media reports suggest that a red alert may be issued by the Delhi government if the positivity rate stays beyond 5% for two consecutive days.
Satyendra Jain, Delhi’s Health Minister said in a statement, “COVID reaching the CM is not a big deal, but spreading among the people is a matter of concern. We need to be extremely cautious”, according to reports from news agency ANI.