In an extreme rare case, doctor finds fetus growing inside woman’s liver in Canada
- A woman in Canada had a fetus growing inside her liver
- This is when an embryo fails to implant itself in the uterus and lodges in other parts like the fallopian tubes or abdomen
- The fetus was removed surgically and the woman was safe.
A woman in Canada had a fetus growing inside her liver. Pediatrician Michael Narvey of the Children’s Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba said it was the first such case he had seen in his life.
He said a 33-year-old woman had come with a 14-day history of menstrual bleeding and it was 49 days since her last menstrual period.
He confirmed all reports, but after the scans came in he was shocked to see a baby growing in her liver. The reports stated she had an ectopic pregnancy in her liver. The doctors claimed that they had seen ectopic pregnancy in the abdomen but this was the first time they were seeing it in the liver.
What is an ectopic pregnancy?
This is when an embryo fails to implant itself in the uterus and lodges in other parts like the fallopian tubes or abdomen.
The video was shared by many people online with loads of comments. A woman wrote that she had one in the abdomen and she could understand the pain.
When the embryo is implanted in the fallopian tube, it is known as standard ectopic pregnancy.
On rare occasions, the embryo can fall out of the fallopian tube altogether and end up implanted somewhere in the abdomen. Even rarer is when the embryo implants itself in the liver, like in the case the doctor above talks about.
The fetus was removed surgically and the woman was safe. The fetus could not be saved.
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