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3 years ago .Washington D.C., DC, USA

US closely monitoring India-China border disputes, supports peaceful resolution

  • India and China have been engaged in a longstanding border dispute along the LAC in eastern Ladakh since June 2020
  • US said it is 'closely monitoring the situation'
  • 'We continue to direct dialogue and a peaceful resolution of those border disputes,' US State Department spokesman said

Written by:Vaishnavi
Published: February 10, 2021 02:24:46 Washington D.C., DC, USA

Backing India on its ongoing border dispute with China, the Unites States expressed its concerns over Beijing’s repeated  attempts to intimidate its neighbours. On Tuesday, US State Department spokesman Ned Price said that the new administration is keenly observing the situation along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) and is looking forward to a peaceful resolution of the border dispute, ANI reported. 

“We are closely monitoring the situation. We know the ongoing talks between governments of India and China and we continue to direct dialogue and a peaceful resolution of those border disputes,” Price said, ANI reported. 

Asia’s two leading economic powerhouses have been engaged in a longstanding border dispute along the LAC in eastern Ladakh since June 2020 and diplomatic talks between the two countries are yet to yield positive results. 

Backing India on the same, Price said, “As always, we’ll stand with friends, we’ll stand with partners, we’ll stand with allies to advance our shared prosperity, security and values, in this case, the Indo-Pacific.”

Last month, the new Secretary of State Antony Blinken and External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar had talks to reaffirm their partnership. During the call, the two spoke about next steps in expanding bilateral ties.

Referring to the same, Price said on Tuesday, “We will continue to engage at the highest levels of our governments to deepen cooperation on many fronts and we are confident that the strong and upward trajectory of our partnership will continue.”

Following talks with Jaishankar, Blinken had backed former US President Donald Trump’s tough approach on China.

“I think in fairness to President Trump he was right to take a tougher approach to China. That was the right thing to do,” he had said in an interview with CNN. 

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