See-through frogs, panda ants: Animals you didn’t know existed
- Dumbo octopus gets its name from the Disney character because of the similarity in their ears
- Red-lipped batfish are found in the waters around the Galapagos Islands in the Pacific Ocean
- The glass frog has transparent skin
come in all shapes and sizes. Some without shapes as well, like the jellyfish, just
blobs of life floating around. And with millions of species of aquatic, land
and avian animals, it is unlikely anyone knows them all.
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From an octopus
named after a Disney character, to a see-through frog and even a giraffe-zebra
hybrid, here are the top unusual animals you will likely ever see:
1. Dumbo
These are a type of umbrella
octopus, which are pretty commonly found all around the world. They get their name from the Disney character ‘Dumbo’, due to similarities in their
Red-Lipped Batfish
Also known
as the Galapagos batfish, this fish is found in the waters around the Galapagos
Islands, a volcanic archipelago in the Pacific Ocean. They are usually found at
depths ranging from 3 to 76 metres. They are not very good swimmers, and use
their pectoral fins to walk on the ocean floor.
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3. Blue
bright blue parrotfish have snouts that look like the beak of a parrot. Their colour
often helps them camouflage with their surroundings. They are usually found in
the coral reefs in tropical and sub-tropical parts of the Atlantic and the Caribbean
4. Glass
These frogs
belong to the amphibian family Centrolenidae. Some from this species have lime
green skin, while other members from this family have abdominal skin that is transparent.
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5. Panda
While they are called ants, these are actually wingless wasps. They belong to Multillidae
family of wasps. These insects, sometimes also known as cow killers, can live up
to two years.
6. Blobfish
The blobfish is a deep sea fish that lives in the deep waters off the coast of Australia and Tasmania as well as New Zealand. They belong to the family Psychrolutidae. Their body is mostly comprised of a gelatinous mass, and they appear droppy and odd when taken out of water, when the water pressure changes.
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