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4 years ago .Washington D.C., DC, USA

Leaked Pentagon documents show capture of UFO

  • According to reports, the picture dates back to 2018
  • It depicted a triangular, silver cube-shaped object 
  • Defense Department refused to provide more information about the leaked picture and the object in it

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Published: December 04, 2020 06:32:02 Washington D.C., DC, USA

UFO sightings are always exciting and ground for credible
speculations as well as conspiracy theories.

Leaked photos of such a UFO from within the US intelligence
community on Wednesday has also left many a tongue wagging, with similar
speculations abound about the antecedents of the object.

Debrief reported on Thursday about Unidentified Flying
Object (UFO) or Unidentified Alien Phenomena (UAP) as the intelligence
community refers to them.

The picture, reported to have come in the form of a leaked
UAP Task Force document, depicted triangular object, more like a cube, flying
above the ocean near the East Coast.

The Debrief report speculated that the object was pictured
from an F/A-18 fighter jet using a mobile phone.

“The Debrief learned of the existence of the photograph
from a defense official who has been verified as being in a position to have
access to the UAPTF intelligence reports.

“Additionally, the same two officials with the DoD (Department
of Defense), and one from the U.S. Intelligence community with whom
we previously spoke, confirmed that the leaked image is the same
photo provided in a 2018 intelligence position report issued by the UAPTF,” Debrief
reported on Thursday.

The existence of UAP task force was acknowledged by the
Defense department in August this year, which in its statement had admitted
forming the team to assess any possible threat from such objects to the US

The Debrief spoke to Pentagon spokeswoman Susan Gough
for information about the object depicted in the picture, but received little

“To maintain operations security and to avoid disclosing
information that may be useful to potential adversaries, DOD does not discuss
publicly the details of reports, observations or examinations of reported
incursions into our training ranges or designated airspace, including those
incursions initially designated as UAP,” Gough’s reply read, as reported by the
science and tech news portal.

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