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What is ‘Bonus Hole’? LGBTQ-recommended term for vagina trolled by conservatives after going viral

  • Bonus Hole, the more inclusive term for vagina, as recommended by the LGBT Foundation went viral on the internet and the conservatives started trolling it
  • LGBT Foundation is a charity that campaigns for LGBT rights
  • The term went viral after people found out that a cervical cancer trust has recommended it back in 2020

Written by:Pritha
Published: June 29, 2023 06:14:09

Bonus Hole, the more inclusive term for vagina, as recommended by the LGBT Foundation went viral on the internet and the conservatives started trolling it.

Oli London, a non-binary social media influencer, was one of the people who post about the term, saying, “LGBT Foundation recommends people use the word ‘bonus hole’ instead of ‘vagina’ in order to avoid upsetting trans people. If incorrect language is used without being corrected, it can cause someone to feel hurt or distressed. This may lead them to leave and to eventually seek support elsewhere.”

“Remember, everyone makes mistakes from time to time. It’s important that you acknowledge them, correct yourself, learn from them, and move on. Dwelling on mistakes could make the person you are talking to feel more uncomfortable,” the page continues.

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The LGBT Foundation recommends a glossary of alternative terminologies because “using the correct language when referring to someone’s gender identity is a simple and effective way to demonstrate support and recognition,” the organization states.

Under the alphabet B, they had listed the phrase Bonus Hole, which is an alternative word for vagina. “It is important to check which words someone would prefer to use,” they added.

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The alternative term is not a new one. Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust, based in the United Kingdom, suggested the language in 2020, citing the same recommendation from LGBT Foundation. It just went viral after it was noticed by people and posted to Twitter.

LGBT Foundation is a charity that campaigns for LGBT rights.

The phrase has been receiving quite a bit of backlash online. Here are some of the reactions:

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