Amazon Quiz: Which politician from Mongolia is alleged to have slapped this man?
Amazon Quiz: Which politician from Mongolia is alleged to have slapped this man?
Sonomyn Luvsangombo
Peljidiin Genden
Chilkhaajavyn Avday
Answer: Peljidiin Genden
The first President and ninth Prime Minister of the Mongolian People’s Republic, Peljidiin Genden, was a well-known figure in politics. In the early 1930s, Genden, one of three MPRP secretaries, was in charge of ensuring that socialist economic programmes were quickly and implemented. Joseph Stalin gave him the go-ahead to become prime minister in 1932, but he resisted Moscow’s efforts to extinguish institutional Buddhism and allow the Soviet Union to exert more influence in Mongolia.
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The Soviet-planned purge in Mongolia in March 1936 was ultimately brought on by his independent temperament, outspokenness (he gained notoriety for openly challenging Stalin during their public meetings in Moscow and was one of the few to stand up to Stalin’s powerful personality). He was killed in Moscow on November 26, 1937, accused of plotting against the revolution and espionage for the Japanese.
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