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KBC 13: What will be the next letter in this grid game?

KBC 2021: What will be the next letter in this grid game?

Written by:Sammya
Published: November 25, 2021 03:41:09

KBC 2021: What will be the next letter in this grid game? 





Answer: O

The grid shown on screen while the question was asked represented a game of tic-tac-toe which had a cross. The game is typically played by two players in which one player chooses the X symbol while another the O. These are the only two symbols allowed in the game. The goal of the game is to have either symbol vertically, horizontally or diagonally.   

The questions asked on KBC’s episode of November 25, 2021 are: 

KBC 13: What will be the next letter in this grid game?

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