Amazon road safety quiz: One of the key hashtags associated with the UN global Road Safety Week in 2021 is #Love30. What does 30 denote here?

  • Road%20safety%20to%20be%20observed%2030%20days%20a%20month
  • 30%20speakers%20who%20would%20deliver%20messages%20during%20Road%20Safety%20Week
  • Recommended%20speed%20limit%20where%20people%20walk%2C%20live%20and%20play
  • 30th%20Road%20Safety%20Week%20being%20observed%20this%20year

Answer: Recommended speed limit where people walk, live and play

The main theme of the United Nations Global Road Safety Week is to make 30 km/hr speed a norm for areas where people mix with traffic. By taking this step, the UN aims to limit the number of road accidents due to high speeds.

Other question in Amazon road safety quiz:

Which of these reasons are given by the UN for why a 30 km/ h speed limit is beneficial?

In April , which of these countries set up a target to set a national urban/ village speed limit…?

What is the theme of the UN Road Safety Week 2021?

The UN global Road Safety Week in 2021 would be observed in which of these weeks?

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