Malayalam actor ND Prasad, best known for his performance in ‘Action Hero Biju’, has died at the age of 43. The actor was reportedly found hanging from a tree outside his residence in Kochi on Saturday. His children reportedly found his body and informed their neighbours about it, who in turn alerted the cops.
The actor reportedly took the extreme step due to family issues.
“He had been going through some mental and domestic issues. His wife has also been staying away from him for some months. He seemed to have been feeling depressed for the last few days before his death,” a police officer told The New Indian Express.
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His body was handed over to the family following an autopsy that was conducted on Sunday.
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The actor played important roles in movies like ‘Iba’ and ‘Karmani.’ Last year, he was accused of drug consumption and taken into custody for the possession of synthetic drugs. Deadly weapons were also reportedly seized from him by authorities.