Actor Priyanka Chopra Jonas on Wednesday announced that she has hopped on board with ‘Outlander’ star Sam Heughan and music icon Celine Dion to star in the English remake of German-language 2016 romantic-drama ‘SMS Fur Dich’.
Revealing the big news on social media, she wrote, “So excited to kick start this amazing movie with such incredible people! Jim Strouse, Sam Heughan, Celine Dion. It’s my honour. Let’s goooooo!”
The film will be based on Sofie Cramer’s popular novel ‘SMS Fur Dich’, same as the original flick.
The plot of the movie revolves around a woman, who loses her fiance in a tragic incident and starts texting romantic messages to his old phone. It turns out that the cell number was reassigned to someone else. They both meet but can’t leave their past behind.
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The film will be directed by Jim Strouse, who is known for directing big hits such as ‘Grace Is Gone’, ‘People Places Things’ and ‘The Incredible Jessica James’.
Jonas’ upcoming projects also include ‘We Can Be Heroes’, ‘The White Tiger’ and reportedly, ‘Matrix 4’.