Actor Rakul Preet Singh, who has been summoned by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) in a drug case related to Sushant Singh Rajput’s death, will join the bureau’s probe on Friday. Along with her, actor Deepika Padukone’s talent manager Karishma Prakash will be quizzed by the agency, which is probing a drug nexus in Bollywood.
Singh, who was summoned by the agency on Wednesday, has already arrived at the NCB office in Mumbai from Bengaluru, reported news agency ANI.
The actor had acknowledged the summon, after initially denying it in an official statement. However, later, a senior NCB official told PTI, “She has acknowledged the summons,” adding that she would join the probe.
Also read | FIRs, arrests, summons: All about the drug probe in Sushant Singh Rajput case
Earlier, NCB sources had claimed that there was a “reference” to Rakul Preet Singh and Sara Ali Khan in the statement of Rajput’s girlfriend and actor Rhea Chakraborty, who has been arrested in the case.
Also read | NCB summons Deepika Padukone, Sara Ali Khan, Shradhha Kapoor, Rakul Preet Singh in drug case
The NCB, which began the probe after a drugs angle came to light in connection with actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s death, has now widened its investigation and asked some ‘A-list’ celebrities of the Bollywood film industry, to “join the probe”, an official said on Wednesday.
The anti-drugs probe agency has also summoned actors Deepika Padukone and Sara Ali Khan in relation to the same case. Both of them are likely to be quizzed on Saturday, PTI reports.