Indian television actor Urfi Javed is one of the 13 contestants who are taking part in the latest edition of the television reality show Bigg Boss OTT. Having already managed to impress Bollywood producer and director Karan Johar, Urfi Javed said that she “will be myself and have lots of fun.”
When asked about what will her strategy be for the Bigg Boss house, she said that “no strategy works on the show.”
“Since I have watched the show, I am well aware that no strategy works on the show. Even though you make big plans, everything fails when you are in the house. All that I know is that I will be myself and have lots of fun,” Indian Express quoted Urfi Javed as saying.
As Bigg Boss mandates that you share the house with other strangers, the actor said that since she has an experience of sharing a house with roommates, she’ll be comfortable living with strangers in the BB house.
Talking about herself and how she plans to take on the challengers head-on, she said: “My strength is also my endurance. I can bear anything and everything. My patience level can be my weakness, but I know I can deal with anyone,” she said.
Talking about Karan Johar, the actor said that she loves him and fits the role of the Bigg Boss host perfectly.
The other contestants in the Bigg Boss OTT are:
Akshara Singh, Neha Bhasin, Raqesh Bapat, Zeeshan Khan, Ridhima Pandit, Karan Nath, Divya Agarwal, Pratik Sehejpal, Nishant Bhatt, Muskaan Jattana and Milind Gaba, Shehnaaz Gill, Sidarth Shukla.
The OTT version of the Bigg Boss airs every day on the Voot app. The top performers of this version will be given a chance to continue with the series in the TV edition.
Bollywood actor Salman Khan will host the television version of Bigg Boss.