After pulling the plug on its ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ issue, Marvel Comics confirmed the popular ‘Champions’ series is also coming to an end. The original announcement was made in 2019 but the confirmation that the series will not be renewed anymore was given recently.
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The cancellation of ‘Champions,’ which is hailed as one of Marvel’s most diverse and culturally inclusive comics, is seen by the fans and critiques as a huge blow to the already suffering comics industry.
Champions stoppage comes at the backdrop of ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ cancellation, which is Marvel’s another line of the comic with a most diverse roster like the inclusion of LGBTQIA+ superheroes representations.
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Unfortunately, the ‘Champions’ cancellation comes bearing more bad news because most characters don’t get the justice they deserve in the finale and are left with uncertain questions about their future. While team members like Miles Morales and Kamala Khan regularly appear in other titles, the others don’t hop around as frequently.
Now, this means that without a regular release schedule, fans might have to wait for months to see some of these teenage heroes in action.
But we really hope that the comic giant is coming up with something new to give these superheroes the stage and the ending they deserve and save the sinking ship.
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However, while the fans were given a heads up for something like this for ‘Champions,’ what seems highly awkward is that ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ title came to an abrupt end after just 18 issues, despite being a huge hit with readers, the title came to an abrupt end after just 18 issues.
This sudden and abrupt cancellation has led many to believe that Al Ewing’s emphasis on LGBTQIA+ representation in the Guardians of the Galaxy’ was a large part of Marvel’s decision to pull the plug on that particular project.
‘Champions’, a team of teenage superheroes debuted in 2016 in the Marvel Comics world. Created by writer Mark Waid and artist Humberto Ramos, the comic series’ cancellation was announced in 2019. The reasons behind the move, however, are yet not clear.