Despite controversies surrounding its plot and the movie name, Akshay Kumar starrer “Laxmi” finally got the digital release with a new title. The horror-comedy movie that sees Akshay Kumar in a never-before-seen role of transgender, became the most-watched movie on on Disney+ Hotstar VIP ever
“I am overwhelmed and overjoyed by the response that Laxmii received. It’s heartening to know that audiences and fans from across the country logged on to Disney+ Hotstar VIP to watch the movie within hours of its release. Who doesn’t love beating records – whether it’s at the box-office or opening night on streaming platforms. Nothing is comparable to this feeling of euphoria,” Akshay said in a statement.
According to Sunil Rayan, President & Head of Disney+ Hotstar said, the film has been “loved by millions across the country, and today we’re happy to see that Laxmii has gone and set a new-record to become the movie with the biggest opening night!”
He also says that the film will brighten the festive spirit of many.
In the past, Late actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s last film ‘Dil Bechara’ that got its worldwide premier on OTT platform Disney+ Hotstar on July 24, has got the biggest opening for a movie on the platform.
“A film that will always be etched in the hearts of all Bollywood fans. Your love has made Dil Bechara the biggest movie opening. Ever,” Disney+ Hotstar tweeted after the release of the film.
‘Laxmii’ was earlier scheduled to be released in theatres on May 22 but it took the digital route.
The film is a story of a man possessed by the ghost of a transgender. Directed by Raghava Lawrence, it also stars Kiara Advani in lead roles.
Previously, the makers of the film received a legal notice from Shri Rajput Karni Sena, demanding a change of its title. According to a report by Zoom TV, the notice states that the makers have “deliberately” used the title with the sole intention to lower the “dignity” and to show “disrespect” towards Goddess Laxmi.
As per the legal notice, the current title of the movie is “derogatory” and “offensive”. It also says that relating the name ‘Laxmi’ with ‘Bomb’ hurts the sentiments of the Hindu community.