Bollywood actor Alia Bhatt took to Instagram to pay tribute to Kathak maestro Pandit Birju Maharaj who passed away today at his Delhi home at the age of 83. Soon after his death, many public figures offered their condolences and prayers to the classical dance legend.
Alia, who took dance lessons from Pandit Birju Maharaj for her 2019 film ‘Kalank’, posted a black and white picture of the icon along with a lengthy note. The actor wrote about her enriching and ‘fulfilling’ experience working with the Kathak icon in her song ‘Ghar More Pardesiya’, a classical song in the film. “Had the honour and privilege of spending three full days with Pandit Birju Maharaj in 2018 while I was prepping for Ghar More Pardesiya. I will never forget all that he has taught me. It was possibly one of the most creative and fulfilling experiences that I have ever had. A legend who has inspired several and will always continue to do so through his art. Truly breaks my heart to write this post today. May his soul rest in peace,” Alia wrote.
Pandit Birju Maharaj was one of the country’s most celebrated classical dance icons, who would often collaborate with actors and directors, including Madhuri Dixit, Satyajit Ray and Sanjay Leela Bhansali.
Also Read: Watch: Kathak legend Pandit Birju Maharaj touches his pupil’s feet in viral video
Apart from his Kathak prowess, Pandit Birju Maharaj was also a skilled vocalist and composer. Assembling all his talents, the maestro composed, sung and choreographed two dance performances in ‘Shatranj ke Khilari’, a 1977 film directed by Satyajit Ray. He was also lauded for choreographing tracks including ‘Kaahe Chhed Mohe’, and ‘Mohe Rang Do Laal’.
Also Read: In pics: Kathak legend Pandit Birju Maharaj through the years
The legend received various accolades for his exceptional skills, including the National Film Award for Best Choreography for the song, ‘Unnai Kaanaathu’ starring Kamal Haasan.
Also Read: Pandit Birju Maharaj family: Who are the Kathak legend’s children
Pandit Birju Maharaj had trained under his dance master Guru Acchan Maharaj. In 1986, Pandit Birju Maharaj was felicitated with the prestigious Padma Vibhushan, the second highest civilian award in the country.