Amazon Quiz: Shown here is the national dish of which country?
A) Singapore
B) Vietnam
C) Kenya
D) Germany
Answer: Vietnam
The dish shown in the picture above is Vietnamese soup dish called Pho. It consists of a broth, rice noodles, herbs and usually some kind of meat, usually beef, but sometimes chicken.
Such is the popularity of the dish that it is sold across Vietnam in almost every place you go, from households to street food vendors and even restaurants. It is in fact, Vietnam’s national dish.
Pho in different parts of Vietnam, like Hanoi in the north and Saigon in the south differ in noodle width, sweetness of the broth, choice of the herbs used and even the sauce.
However, while the origins of Pho are in the early 20th century, people have been unable to definitely explain the cultural influences that led to its development as well as the dish’s etymology. It was popularised across the world as refugees of the Vietnam War moved across the globe.
The dish began to appear on the menus of restaurants in Asian enclaves across the world in cities in the United States, Canada and Australia. Such was the popularity of pho that it was added to the Shorter Oxford Dictionary in 2007.
More recently, social media influencers and content creators of Vietnamese descent have begun showcasing food from their cultures. For many of them, Pho has a special significance as it reminds them of home.
Amazon Quiz: This is a view of a famous monument in which country?