Andor, the latest TV series by the Star Wars franchise, has proven to be a unique addition to the ever-expanding universe created by George Lucas. Starring Diego Luna as the eponymous Rebel Alliance soldier, the series takes us into the backstory of the character and the days when the rebellion was still in its nascent stages.
The first three episodes were spent giving us a look into the early life of Cassian Andor and the loving relationship he had developed with his adoptive mother, Maarva, and her droid, B2EMO. However, Andor soon meets Rebel Alliance leader Luther Rael via a friend and gets sucked into a bigger scheme that ultimately kills him as shown in 2016’s Rogue One.
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In episodes 4 and 5, we see Andor teaming up with six rebels under the leadership of Vel on the planet Aldhani. The group have planned to rob the payroll of an entire Galactic Empire garrison. They are low on supplies and chances of survival look pretty slim. On top of that, when the other rebels come to know that Cassian is being paid to be there with them, they are miffed with the leadership.
In the upcoming episode, set to be released on October 12, we shall reach the mid-point of the series. In this episode, we can expect the Rebel soldiers to finally launch an attack on the Imperial garrison. Whether their mission is marred by interpersonal squabbles resulting from the truth behind Andor’s inclusion remains to be seen.
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Episode 6 can be an action-packed one and also serve as the moment after which the Galactic Empire finally realizes that an organised underground movement against them is brewing up.
If the Empire does manage to get the hint of the rebellion, it will throw into question the lives of the most ordinary people living under their reign. How it affects Mon Mothma’s secret life as an emerging Rebel Alliance leader also remains to be seen.