Andrew Tate, also known as Top G to his fans, was arrested Thursday by Romanian police along with his brother Tristan Tate in connection with a human trafficking investigation. They were both charged with kidnapping two women in Romania.
In April, the Tate brothers were accused of employing “physical violence and emotional intimidation” to keep two girls in their home.
According to PopCrave, the statement claims that at least six victims accused the Tate brothers of human trafficking.
Despite claims that they will be held in custody for the time being and that additional information about the proceedings against them will be disclosed later, Tate broke his quiet on Twitter, tweeting, “The Matrix sent their agents,” and some fans are speculating that he’s not in custody anymore.
However, there is no official confirmation regarding the same.
Fans have been replying to his tweet with some happier then ever to hear from him after the arrest.