Actor-producer Anushka Sharma turns a year older today. She started her career as a model before making her Bollywood debut opposite Shah Rukh Khan in the 2008 movie ‘Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi.’ There was no looking back for Anushka, who not only went on to give some memorable performances but also backed some power-packed projects as a producer. On the occasion of her 34th birthday, here’s a look at Anushka Sharma’s professional and personal milestones.
1. Bollywood debut – After a successful stint in modelling, Anushka bagged her first Bollywood project, ‘Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi’, in which she starred opposite SRK. The YRF-backed movie was declared a super-hit at the box office, making Anushka an overnight sensation.
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2. Production house – After starring in a string of hit movies such as ‘Band Baaja Baaraat’ and ‘Jab Tak Hai Jaan’, Anushka started her production house, Clean Slate Filmz, in the year 2013 along with her brother Karnesh Sharma. The duo produced succesful
projects such as NH10, Bulbbul and Paatal Lok.
3. Clothing line – Anushka, who is known for her impeccable fashion sense, collaborated with Shoppers Stop in 2017 to launch her own clothing line for women named NUSH.
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4. Marriage and child – After dating for over four years, Anushka married cricketer Virat Kohli in Italy in 2017 in a small ceremony attended by close friends and family. In August 2020, she announced her pregnancy and in January 2021, she gave birth to a beautiful girl ‘Vamika’.
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After a 4-year hiatus, Anushka will return to the big screen with ‘Chakda Xpress,’ in which she will be playing former Indian captain Jhulan Goswami.