New parent to a baby girl, actor-producer Anushka Sharma and cricketer Virat Kohli on Wednesday urged the paparazzi not to click the pictures of their daughter. Kohli announced the birth of their first child on January 11 and said that both the baby and Sharma are healthy.
The couple, while expressing their gratitude, has written to the paparazzi fraternity in Mumbai to respect their daughter’s privacy.
Saying that they are thankful for all the love being showered on them, Sharma and Kohli, in a statement, said, “As parents, we have a simple request to make to you. We want to protect the privacy of our child and we need your help and support.”
Also Read | How Anushka Sharma kept her bond alive with exercise during pregnancy
The couple assured that they will share the “content” with the paparazzi at the right time.
“While, we will always ensure that you get all the content you need featuring us, we would request you to kindly not take or carry any content that has our child. We know that you will understand where we are coming from and we thank you for the same,” they said.
The ‘Bulbbul’ producer had recently shared that she wanted to raise her child away from social media, unlike many star kids whose photos are regularly featured, posted either by their doting parents or the paparazzi.
“We’ve thought about it a lot. We definitely do not want to raise a child in the public eye—we don’t plan on engaging our child in social media,” Sharma had said in an interview with Vogue.
Sharma and Kohli, both 32, who recently celebrated their third wedding anniversary, had announced their pregnancy in August last year.