Arjun Kapoor, who is presently celebrating his birthday, is having the time of his life while vacationing in Paris with his girlfriend Malaika Arora. On his Instagram account, the actor, who is 37 today (June 26), has posted fresh images taken there. Arjun and Malaika appear in a series of pictures with the Eiffel Tower in the background. He shared the image and added the message, “Eiffel fantastic… I knew I would… #parisvibes.” Arjun Kapoor’s fans and colleagues in the film business flocked to the comment area as soon as he published the post.
Heart emoticons were used by Tara Sutaria, Rajkummar Rao’s wife Patralekhaa, Rakul Preet Singh, and others. The adorable couple was one fan’s comment, while “Best couple” was another.
Arjun Kapoor posted a selfie on his Instagram account on Saturday in which he can be seen sporting a green t-shirt and a black beanie hat while looking super cool. He captioned the image “Looking Ahead Now” when he shared it.
To honour the former’s birthday, Arjun Kapoor and Malaika Arora flew to Paris on Thursday. Arjun and Malaika posted photos to their Instagram stories shortly after arriving at the lovely spot. Arjun posed for a picture in front of the Eiffel Tower, which Malaika posted online with the hashtag “#verytouristy.” She also reposted Arjun’s tweet so her followers could see what she and Arjun were eating and drinking while vacationing in Paris.
Arjun Kapoor is now working on numerous movies, including The Lady Killer opposite Bhumi Pednekar and Kuttey and Mohit Suri’s Ek Villain Returns, which also stars Tara Sutaria, John Abraham, and Disha Patani.
Arjun Kapoor’s birthday was also celebrated by Sonam Kapoor by showering him with affection on her Instagram page. she published a number of images of herself and Arjun as she wished him a happy birthday.