While the bail hearing of Aryan Khan, son of Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, will resume today, the focus has now shifted to Sameer Wankhede, the Zonal Director of Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) after some allegations made by Maharashtra minister Nawab Malik. The politician has levelled a series of charges against him, including extortion of money to release the Aryan Khan.
Also Read: PIL in Bombay HC seeks to restrain Nawab Malik from making comments against NCB
Here are the allegations that Sameer Wankhede faces:
• Malik on Tuesday cited a letter purportedly written by an anonymous employee of the NCB alleging that Wankhede framed innocent people in 26 fake drug cases. The letter also claims the NCB allegedly planted drugs shown to have been seized in some of the cases.
• Malik also claimed that Wankhede is a Muslim but made a Hindu caste certificate by forgery to get into the Indian Revenue Service under the scheduled caste category. He also tweeted a copy of NCB’s zonal director birth certificate, which he claimed is of Wankhede. The document shows his father’s name is Dawood K Wankhede while it is Dnyandev Wankhede as per the NCB website.
Wankhede, on the other hand, has refuted the allegation and his wife is also giving press conferences in which she stated that why is Malik not going to the police.
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The NCB on Monday started probing allegations that Wankhede was part of a Rs 25 crore extortion racket after the arrest of Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan. A vigilance inquiry was ordered after one of the NCB’s witnesses in the case, Prabhakar Sail, made the claim.
• Malik has also alleged that the day Aryan Khan was arrested, the NCB detained many others in connection with the same case but those linked to a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader were released. The NCB has insisted it detained around 14 persons on that day and six were released while the remaining eight, including Aryan Khan, were arrested.
• Malik has also accused Wankhede of framing his son-in-law and two others in a drug peddling case in January and delaying the process for their bail.
Also Read: Aryan Khan’s bail plea before Bombay High Court: All you need to know
Sessions Court, which had earlier rejected Shah Rukh Khan’s son bail plea, has granted bail to two co-accused Manish Rajgarhiya and Avin Sahu on October 26. Aryan’s bail hearing will resume today.