Actor Ashton Kutcher took to Instagram to express his gratitude while enjoying a vacation with his wife, actor Mila Kunis on Friday. Kutcher shared a post to convey his appreciation.
The 45-year-old actor, best known for his portrayal of Steve Jobs, posted an amazing picture on Instagram. The image showed his 39-year-old wife, Mila Kunis, standing with her arms wide beneath a mesmerizing full rainbow. The photograph’s beautiful backdrop was the tropical setting.
Kutcher and Kunis’s relationship story pinnacled over the decade.
Relationship timeline-
The couple first crossed paths in 1998 on the set of That ’70s Show. They developed a strong bond and their on-screen chemistry made them a favorite among fans. Throughout the series, their characters encountered an on-again, off-again relationship, but their undeniable chemistry was evident, which made them on-spot popular pair among the fans.
Actor Demi Moore and actor Ashton Kutcher got married in 2005. They started dating after meeting in 2003. Moore had three daughters from her previous marriage to Bruce Willis at the time. Kutcher and Moore were married despite the fact that Kutcher was 25 and Moore was 40.
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The couple called for divorce after cheating allegations, ending six years of marriage.
In January 2012, Kutcher met Kunis at the 2012 Golden Globes Award. After which they hit it off together and started dating. Later decided to move in together.
In February 2014, Ashton Kutcher made the decision to pop the question to Mila Kunis almost two years later, giving her a diamond ring. According to sources, before getting down on one knee and proposing to Kunis, Kutcher took a fairly traditional route and asked her father for his permission. In the same year, the couple welcomed their first child.
Over the weekend of July 2015, Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher exchanged vows in a private ceremony and became husband and wife.
The couple welcomed their second child.