Bam Margera, former MTV personality was seen on video screaming at his estranged wife, Nicole Boyd ‘Nikki Margera’ at a restaurant, minutes before he was arrested for public intoxication. In a video shared by TMZ, Margera is visibly upset with Boyd as she’s not allowing him to spend time with their son Phoenix. Margera walks over to Boyd, who is eating with Phoenix and tells her, “Phoenix has his own mind. … Let him have his own mind!”
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The 43-year-old stomped on the floor and shouted, “Let him have his own mind!” He then tells Boyd, “Why do you make me wait for five f–king five days?” before slamming the restaurant’s front door and shouting, “F–king f–k!”
Who is Phoenix Wolf Margera?
Bam Margera and Nicole Boyd welcomed their first child in December 2017. They gave their baby boy the majestic name Phoenix Wolf Margera. “I stated it and everyone liked it, so we kept with it,” Margera said.
Later, he clarified that considering that the couple met at the Phoenix Theater, he thought it was a suitable name for their son. Phoenix turned five in December 2022.
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According to a TMZ report, Nicola Boyd ‘Nikki Margera’ is looking to file for some legal protection against him. This comes after his recent arrest for public intoxication.
Boyd is considering filing for a restraining order against Margera to protect her and Phoenix.
Boyd said Wednesday’s incident was scary for her and even scarier for Phoenix. She called it a shame because “the visitation that Bam had with Phoenix the prior day in Hollywood went reasonably well.”
She filed for legal separation in February and asked for both legal and physical custody of Phoenix. She first filed for full custody in 2021. However, this time Boyd agreed to allow Margera supervised visits of their son, as long as they took place within Los Angeles County and Margera covered the expenses.