Dreamworks Animation’s Kung Fu Panda is about the adventures of the Titular Po Ping, a giant panda who happens to become a master of Kung Fu. The martial arts-inspired movie made its debut in 2008 depicting a big, fuzzy panda performing martial arts. All Kung Fu Panda movies are not made equal. Here is a list of the best Kung Fu Panda films.
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The film stars a panda named Po, who works in a noodle shop with his father, Mr Ping. The selection of Dragon Warrior, who will engage the dreaded Tai Lung in kung-fu combat is what makes the movie interesting.
- Kung Fu Panda 1
The original Kung Fu Panda movie is difficult to surpass in terms of quality and originality. The debut movie of Kung Fu Panda is fantasy-fueled and wuxia-inspired. The movie unfolds with Po being a clumsy panda who lives with his dad. He happens to be the last person in the universe that Master Shifu and Furious Five would expect to be the Dragon Warrior. As the movie progresses, Po tends to develop a new type and style of Kung Fu that’s unique to his physical strength. This and the Bruce Lee connection forms the heart of Kung Fu Panda. The small yet significant message of believing in one’s self makes anything possible is what makes the movie world famous.
2. Kung Fu Panda 3
The film features Oogway’s (old turtle who selects Po to combat in Kung Fu) surprise appearance in the spirit realm. The movie also portrays the meeting of Po and his long-lost father, Li Shan. Kung Fu Panda 3 is about the journey of Po’s family, friends and heritage. It also reintroduces Kung Fu Panda’s concept of Chi, a source of power lying with every warrior which brings in the potential to unleash their inner dragon. Po manages to defeat Kai not through his own strength but with the combined efforts of his family and friends.
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3. Kung Fu Panda 2
Kung Fu Panda 2 serves as a darker continuation of the Furious Five and Po’s life in Kung Fu Panda. The film has a distinct take on the endangered status of the pandas and brings forth two major questions for the audiences, “why is Po the only panda that viewers have seen and why is he being raised by a goose?” The movie opens with the rulers of Gongmen City, a clan of peacocks who have invented fireworks. It happens to be the foundation of Kung Fu Panda 3. Shen, the only son of the peacock family, makes a frenetic reaction by using gunpowder to commit genocide against every single giant panda as a reaction to the prophecy that he will be defeated by a black and white giant warrior.
All the Kung Fu Panda movies combine Western and Eastern elements which happen to be the first major US-China animated production movie.