Day 8 of Bigg Boss saw the first eviction of the season, wherein ‘Toofani Seniors’ Hina Khan, Sidharth Shukla and Gauahar Khan decided to evict Sara Gurpal from the house on Monday. Meanwhile, during the nomination process, actor Nikki Tamboli nominated model Shehzad Deol. Indian Idol-fame Rahul Vaidya nominated TV actor Abhinav Shukla, saying his conversations are irrelevant.
Season 14 of Bigg Boss began on October 3 with a grand premier featuring Salman Khan. Salman Khan has been hosting the reality show since 2010.
Shehzad Deol nominated Nishant Singh and Janu Kumar and TV actor Rubina Dilaik also nominated Nishant Singh and Eijaz Khan.
Monday’s episode also had some romantic moments where Pavitra Punia was seen flirting with Eijaz Khan and the housemates started teasing them.
The episode began with contestants fighting over BB Mall. Hina is the owner of BB Mall where all the belongings of the contestants are kept. The contestants can pick up to seven items that they need from the BB Mall. Gauahar Khan is the queen of the kitchen and it depends on her if the contestants will get food or not.
While Shukla was seen teasing Jasmin Bhasin, Nishant Singh and Janu Kumar were seen teasing Nikki Tamboli. The day was full of surprises with eviction and nomination being held on the same day.