Bipasha Basu, Indian film star and model, gave birth to a baby girl on Saturday, November 12. Basu is married to Indian TV star Karan Singh Grover.
The Jism-star had announced her pregnancy on Instagram a few months ago. “A new time, a new phase, a new light adds another unique shade to the prism of our life. Making us a little more than we used to be. We began this life individually and then we met each other and from then we were two. Too much love for only two, seemed a little unfair for us to see…so soon, we who once were two will now become three.” The announcement came on August 16.
Bipasha and Karan met for the first time on the sets of the Bhushan Patel film ‘Alone’ in 2015. This marked their first on-screen performance. They got married in April, 2016.
In an interview with Hindustan Times, Bipasha Basu had said that she and her husband had been trying for a baby before the pandemic, but dropped the idea after the pandemic hit. “In 2021, we decided to try again, and God has been kind, we conceived.”
In August, Bipasha Basu told Bombay Times that both she and Karan were hoping for a baby girl. “From the time we have wanted a child, we have hoped for a baby girl. I know a baby is a beautiful gift, and we are supposed to be in acceptance of any gender, and the bigger picture is that, but we will call our baby ‘she’. We believe it’s a she, and we have believed that since the time we decided to have a baby.”
“Karan and I were clear from the beginning that we wanted a baby. I don’t have any thoughts on why it is so late or why it took time. For me, this is the right time. I believe this is when we were supposed to have our baby. We believe in manifestation.”
Bipasha Basu is 43 years old while her husband Karan Singh Grover is 40.