Marvel Studios released the first trailer of Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, the second installment in its Black Panther series, on Monday, September 3. The trailer shows a new Black Panther, who makes a superhero landing towards the end, leaving fans still at large as to who it might be.
Chadwick Boseman, who played Black Panther or T’Challa, the king of Wakanda, in the first film, died of colon cancer in August 2020. The trailer shows that the Afrofuturistic town is haunted by the memory of their departed king even as they have to deal with new problems.
Also read: Black Panther: Wakanda Forever D23 footage details
The film is directed by Ryan Coogler and will release globally on November 11, 2022.
Watch the trailer here:
Several cast members from the first film feature in the new trailer in their previous roles. Lupita Nyong’o as Nakia, Winston Duke as M’Baku, Angela Bassett as Ramonda, Danai Gurira as Okoye, and Letitia Wright as Shuri.
Earlier, Marvel had released a teaser of the new film which gave the context in which the plot will be set.
Kevin Feige, the president of Marvel, had spoken to Empire about why they made the decision to not recast the character of T’challa in the new film. He said that there is always a “relatable human element” to everything Marvel does, and while the world is still dealing with Boseman’s death, it won’t be appropriate to bring the character of T’challa back.
Also read: Chadwick Boseman’s death changed Black Panther: Wakanda Forever’s script
“Stan Lee always said that Marvel represents the world outside your window,” Feige said. “And we had talked about how, as extraordinary and fantastical as our characters and stories are, there’s a relatable and human element to everything we do. The world is still processing the loss of Chad. And [director] Ryan [Coogler] poured that into the story.”
The mystery of the new Black Panther will only end on November 11 when the film hits the theatres.