Netflix has released the trailer of its upcoming workplace comedy series, Blockbuster, which is set to star Melissa Fumero of Brooklyn Nine-Nine fame, alongside Randall Park, who won hearts as Louis Huang in Fresh Off The Boat. Vanessa Ramos, who was a writer on Brooklyn 99, has also worked on Blockbuster.
Check out the trailer of the show right here:
Timmy, the character played by Park, is who the series is centred around. The show’s official logline refers to this character as “an analog dreamer in a 5G world”. Timmy is the manager of the last Blockbuster DVD rental store in America, and in the pilot episode he realizes that along with his fellow employees, he too might soon lose his job since DVDs are no longer the most popular medium to watch movies.
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The official synopsis reads, “Timmy and his staff quickly come to realize that being home to the last Blockbuster might actually be exactly what their community needs to rekindle the human connections they lost to the digital age”.
Fumero’s character, Eliza Walker, is a “long-time crush” of Timmy who has quite recently come back to work under him. The logline ends with posing a question that looks like the essence of the series “Will this battle to preserve the past be the push Timmy needs to step into the present? His employees can only hope so.”
J.B. Smoove, who plays the role of Leon Black in Curb Your Enthusiasm, has joined the cast of Blockbuster as Percy, who is the best friend of Timmy. Olga Merediz plays another Blockbuster employee, Connie Serrano, who has been referred to as the “blunt mother figure” in the synopsis.
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Tyler Alvarez, who featured in the mock documentary series American Vandal, plays an aspiring filmmaker and Blockbuster employee Carlos Herrera. In the trailer, we can hear him say that he wants to become a filmmaker just like Quentin Tarantino. The Pulp Fiction director also worked as a video store clerk before making it big as one of the most original voices in world cinema since the 1990s.