Bollywood celebrities are going gaga over the trailer of Ayan Mukerji’s highly-anticipated magnum opus ‘Brahmastra Part One: Shiva’, starring Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt in lead roles. The first installment of the trilogy also stars Amitabh Bachchan, Nagarjuna, and Mouni Roy in pivotal roles.
Several stars like Anushka Sharma and Janhvi Kapoor took to social media to heap praises on the trailer.
“This is huge. A first for Hindi cinema. Feel such pride to finally see a glimpse of this spectacular vision!! Truly a world like we’ve never seen before,” Janhvi Kapoor wrote.
Anushka Sharma wrote, “This looks promising and exciting. Kudos team #Brahmastra.”
Ananya Panday added, “Mega Mega Mega!!!! this is out of the world.”
“Goosebumps. Ab Khel Shuru!!! Can’t wait for September 9 2022,” Dia Mirza reacted.
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The first part of the trilogy focuses on the story of Shiva (Ranbir Kapoor), a DJ in Banaras whose life changes after he finds out that he has a mysterious connection to the ‘Brahmastra.’
“Water, wind, fire. Since ancient times there exist among us energies which have been harnessed into Astras,” Amitabh Bachchan explains in a voice-over.
“This is a story about the lord of all the Astras- the Brahmastra, and about one young man who must discover that the destiny of the Brahmastra depends on him – Shiva,” he says in the trailer.
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The three-minute trailer introduces primary characters, including Bhatt, who plays Shiva’s love interest Isha, Bachchan, who guides Kapoor’s character in his journey, Nagrajuna as Nandi and Roy, who plays the Queen of darkness in the story.
“Marking the beginning of a new cinematic universe, ‘The Astraverse’, I believe Brahmāstra is the kind of film that the country would feel really proud of. It touches on our roots; celebrates our rich culture and it takes us forward with our technology. The film is proudly Indian and Imaginative and bringing together some of Pan-India’s most renowned names was a dream come true,” Ayan Mukerji said in a statement.