Hollywood actor Chadwick Boseman’s final post has become the most-liked tweet ever, Twitter announced on Sunday. The tweet, which reported the death of the 43-year-old, was posted on Saturday and has 6.3 million likes, three million retweets and about 154,000 replies as of now. 

The tweet, a statement from Boseman’s family about his death, is accompanied with a photo of the ‘Black Panther actor. The statement announced that Boseman was fighting with colon cancer since 2016, and died due to it as the infection reached Stage IV.

“Most liked Tweet ever. A tribute fit for a King,” Twitter announced in a retweet of Chadwick’s post.

The actor’s death has sent fans in a state of disbelief, as tributes poured in for him. His Marvel Cinematic Universe co-stars also mourned the death, and posted their statements on social media.