Chris Evans, the Hollywood actor, shared a video on Instagram that shows the actor with his Portuguese girlfriend Alba Baptista trying to prank each other. The video shared via the story feature on the Meta-owned social networking platform was a recap of the couple’s experience of living together in 2022.
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Watch the video here:
Actor Alba Baptista is from Portugal. She was born in Lisbon, Portugal, on July 10, 1997. Her father is a doctor from Brazil, while her mother is from Portugal. At the age of 16, Baptista made her acting debut as the lead in Simao Cayatte’s short film Miami.
She then went on to become a well-known star in Portuguese cinema, acting in movies like Equinocio by Ivo Ferreira and Caminhos Magnetykos by Edgar Pera.
She made her English-language debut in the July 2, 2020, premiere of the Netflix series Warrior Nun.
When Warrior Nun released, Evans’ massive efforts to promote the film caught everyone’s eyes and fans started speculating that the duo is in a serious relationship. Evans also made an Instagram post on Halloween that showed him with Baptista.
The 2022 recap reel has been dubbed by many as a confirmation that the Captain America star is dating the Portuguese actor. But a confirmation of the same is yet to come from either of them.
“I wasn’t prepared to see Chris Evans and Alba Baptista being an actual couple, so I naturally just fell to my knees at Walmart,” a user said on Twitter reacting to the video.
“Thank you, Chris Evan for the gift of seeing Alba baptista!!! Its the motivation I needed #SaveWarriorNun,’ another user said.