Dream Theater, the iconic progressive metal band, has embarked on a significant reunion with their original drummer, Mike Portnoy. This eagerly-anticipated reunion has stirred excitement among fans as the band prepares to enter the studio to work on a forthcoming album. This marks the first collaboration with Portnoy since their 2009 release, “Black Clouds & Silver Linings.” Portnoy, along with guitarist John Petrucci and bassist John Myung, co-founded Dream Theater in 1985, making his return to the fold a particularly momentous occasion.
In 2010, Mike Portnoy’s departure from the band led to the comprehensive and well-documented search for his replacement. Ultimately, Mike Mangini took over the drumming duties. Mangini offered gracious remarks regarding his departure, recognizing that he was never meant to entirely fill Portnoy’s multifaceted role within the group. Instead, his focus was on providing solid drumming and maintaining the band’s live performances at the highest level.
While reflecting on his time with Dream Theater, Mangini expressed his deep appreciation for the experience and the camaraderie with the band’s renowned musicians. He also mentioned the joy of spending time with the crew and the satisfaction of winning a GRAMMY award. He extended his heartfelt gratitude to the fans for their support and shared moments of elation during their shows. Mangini concluded by expressing his affection for the band, crew, and management, wishing them continued success.
The revitalized Dream Theater, now featuring Portnoy, Petrucci, Myung, keyboardist Jordan Rudess, and vocalist James LaBrie, is understandably elated about their renewed lineup. They are also keen to acknowledge Mike Mangini’s substantial contributions during his 13-year tenure.
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John Petrucci praised Mangini’s exceptional drumming skills, expressing his gratitude for the musical journey they undertook together, which culminated in a GRAMMY win and numerous memorable live performances. He wished Mangini success in his future musical endeavors and eagerly anticipated the return of Mike Portnoy. As an original founding member, long-time friend, and extraordinarily talented and creative drummer, Portnoy’s reunion promises to inject a fresh spirit, passion, and energy into Dream Theater. Petrucci and the band are eager to roll up their sleeves and re-enter the studio for what promises to be an exciting chapter in their musical journey, much to the delight of their devoted fanbase.