In a terrifying incident during the second day of Coachella 2023, an acrobat suffered a serious injury while performing on stage and had to be rushed to the hospital.
According to a report by TMZ, the acrobat was performing on stage for around 5 minutes when her leg seemed to slip. This caused her to slump to the ground. She fell between a couple of speakers. She ultimately lost consciousness. It is not clear if she suffered a leg injury or some other medical emergency that caused her to fall unconscious.
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The rest of the members of the acrobatic team scrambled to help their injured partner as the woman lay motionless on the ground. She was placed on a backboard after the paramedics arrived. There was no movement from her till she blinked as the medics carried her out of the venue.
The incident shocked many of the attendees in the arena as some even yelled for the DJ to stop playing music. One of the young girls in the crowd was so traumatized after witnessing the development that she fainted.
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There were also some positive highlights of the second day of Coachella this year. Katy Perry brought on stage Kim Kardashian’s nine-year-old daughter North West during the Las Vegas residency PLAY at Resorts World on Saturday night, as the crowd went wild. The 38-year-old hosted a ‘walk-off competition’ for her Firework Foundation. She “invited North West onto the stage.”. “While on the stage North asked if her friends could join her and Katy obliged,” the source revealed.