Australian actor and conservationist Bindi Irwin on Friday announced the birth of her first child with husband Chandler Powell via an Instagram post. According to the post, her baby girl was born on March 25, which also marks her wedding anniversary.
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In a heartfelt announcement, Irwin said that she named the baby Grace Warrior Irwin Powell, after her great-grandmother, as she is the graceful warrior and the light of her life.
“Grace is named after my great-grandmother, and relatives in Chandler’s family dating back to the 1700s,” read the post.
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The couple also attached a picture of them lovingly looking at the new member alongside the post, while another picture shows baby Grace’s t-shirt with her name tag placed over it that reveals the time of her birth, weight and height.
Here’s the post we are talking about.
New father Chandler Powell also took to social media to share the good news with his Instafam.
“After waiting for you to arrive for the last 9 months, finally meeting you has been the best moment of my life. You have a big life ahead of you and no matter what, you will be surrounded by a whole lot of love. Thank you for gracing your beautiful mother and me on our wedding anniversary, so excited to have you home,” wrote Chandler.
The couple announced the pregnancy in August last year after they tied the knot in March 2020.