In Bollywood, very few get a chance to share screen space with stalwarts like Aamir Khan very early in their career and the 21-year-old Ritvik Sahore was definitely lucky as he made the audience laugh with his impeccable onscreen comradery with the senior star in 2016 film ‘Dangal’ as young Omkar.
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He still credits the film for changing his life.
“That film has changed my life. It helped me get more popularity and recognition pan India. It also helped me as an actor and as a person. It was a dream to work with Aamir sir and it felt surreal. Just standing in the same frame, getting to see him in action, I got to learn so much from him. He is an institution himself,” he told Opoyi.
Ritvik started acting at an age of 12 when he impressed the audience as young Kayo in the sports drama ‘Ferrari Ki Sawaari’, a film that also starred Sharman Joshi as Rustam Deboo aka ‘Rusy’.
However, he along with his family took one big step for the actor.
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“I was quite young when I did my first film ‘Ferrari Ki Sawaari’. Later, my parents and I collectively took this decision that since I was a child and was studying, my parents wanted me to enjoy that phase of life. They wanted me to complete my studies, go to football matches, and hang out with friends. Also, they wanted me to travel without the pressure of being recognized so I started doing lesser work so that I could focus more on studies and childhood,” he said.
He, who was previously seen in ‘Laakhon Mein Ek 2’, ‘Flames’ and ‘Awkard Conversations Part 2’, is currently grabbing eyeballs for his performance in the web show ‘Indori Isq’.
Ritvik has also been signed for Siddharth Kumar Tewary’s sci-thriller ‘Escaype Lives’ apart from shooting for another project along with famous Youtuber and influencer Harsh Beniwal.
The young star says that he would love to be called the top actor of this country someday but right now he plans to hone his skills.
“I am just focusing on becoming the best version of myself and becoming the better actor every day and you know I am just enjoying what I am doing. I would like to work with good people on good scripts,” he sums up.