Bollywood actor Deepika Padukone added a dash of desi element to both her preliminary looks at the 75th Cannes Film Festival. Dripped in glitz and glamour, the jury member showcased homegrown designs by sporting Sabyasachi ensembles.
For her jury photocall, the 36-year-old wore a shirt-pant outfit from the brand’s Tropic of Calcutta resort wear collection.
In true breezy and flowy French Riviera style, Padukone wore a flowery shirt with green pants. Holding the two pieces of clothing together was Sabyasachi’s iconic brown belt, which matched with a dainty watch on the actor’s wrist.
Padukone amped up the look with embellished platform heels, a massive choker necklace with jewels and stones, circular earrings and a headscarf with a pattern similar to the one on the shirt. She wore her hair in a messy updo.
The look exuded all things summery, vintage and boho, with a dark-winged eyeliner and a brown lip shade completing it.
Praising the attire, Sabyasachi wrote on Instagram,“I love that moment of storytelling where looking back at the past reveals the future. For me the best stories of India are always told in these moments.”
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Sharing the images on Instagram, celebrity stylist Shaleena Nathani, who often styles Padukone for red-carpet appearances, wrote, “Jury member Deepika Padukone at the 75th annual Cannes Film Festival. Wearing clothing from Sabyasachi’s Tropic of Calcutta collection—the global resort series, where Indian heritage gets a contemporary update.”
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An image shared by the film festival’s official handle featured Padukone along with fellow jury members– Rebecca Hall, Noomi Rapace, Jeff Nichols, Asghar Farhadi, Jasmine Trinca, Ladj Ly, and Joachim Trier.
For her red carpet appearance, Padukone opted for a Bengal Tiger couture saree from the brand and completed the look with bold graphic eye makeup, perhaps inspired by Julia Fox.