Actress Deepika Padukone, who made her fans go crazy after all her social media posts got deleted on New Year’s eve, welcomed 2021 with an audio diary. “Hi everyone, welcome to my audio diary, a record of my thoughts and feelings,” she can be heard saying in the audio that has been shared on all her social media handles.
“I am sure all of you will agree with me but 2020 was a year of uncertainty for everybody. But for me, it was also about gratitude and about being present. And As for 2021, all I can wish for myself and everyone around me is good health and peace of mind. Happy New Year,” she said in the audio.
The actress captioned the audio by asking fans about “What are you grateful for…?”
Deepika, who is currently holidaying with her husband Ranveer in Rajasthan, currently has 27.7 million followers on Twitter and on 52.5 million followers on Instagram.
In 2020, the actress made headlines when she was summoned by Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) for questioning in a Bollywood-related drugs case.
Deepika will next be seen in Kabir Khan’s ’83 that has her husband Ranveer Singh in the titular role.