The %u2018Queen%u2019 of Bollywood Kangana Ranaut and late actor Irrfan Khan were supposed to work in a film together but the project never saw the light of the day. However, in a throwback video, Kangana shared what Irrfan told her when she discussed the idea of working together again for a film.
%u201CI told him we must start that film. He is like %u2013 %u2018Yeah but ek mayaan me do talware kaise rahengi,%u2019%u201D said Kangana in a throwback video that took place during the release of her film %u2018Tanu Weds Manu%u2019.
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She added, %u201CI thought that was a compliment. I would love to have someone like Irrfan sir work with me. Someone who will give a tough competition. For me, it is a big deal that he thinks that I am a competition for him. It is such a compliment. I am floored and flattered by it.%u201D
Irrfan Khan died battling a colon infection at a Mumbai hospital on April 29, 2020. He was 53