The tribute episode of late Kishore Kumar on the reality show ‘Indian Idol 12’ continues to make news even after weeks. After Amit Kumar, son of a legendary singer, said that he didn’t like the episode and wanted to stop it, singer Sunidhi Chauhan has now shared her opinion.
Also Read: Amit Kumar wanted to stop the Kishore Kumar tribute episode of ‘Indian Idol 12’
Sunidhi, who has been one of the judges of the reality show in the past, said that even she was asked to praise the contestants all the time.
“Even I was told to praise the contestants…not exactly this ki sabko karna hai but yes, we all were told (to praise). That was the basic thing. And so, I couldn’t go on. I couldn’t do what they wanted and I had to part ways. Hence, today, I am not judging any reality show,” Sunidhi told ETimes.
Also Read: Apology is a must, MNS to ‘Indian Idol’ makers over Alibaug remark
Talking further about reality shows in general, Sunidhi said that such platforms have become a big-ticket for music aspirants but instant fame affects the contestants.
“Lekin ismein artiste ka hi nuksaan hota hai. He/she gets praise and recognition almost overnight due to his/her stories which are put out via AV and their hunger to strive for excellence diminishes. Yes, some of them still do work hard but instant fame affects them psychologically. It’s a simple case of acquiring too much too soon. Not the contestants’ fault, it’s simply because the name of the game is TRPs,” she said.
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“I did ‘Dil Hai Hindustani’, ‘The Voice’ and ‘Indian Idol’. I could speak the truth then. Even today i would like to say what I genuinely feel. It’s up to them whether they want to have me or not,” she added.