Actor Rajkummar Rao took to his Instagram to warn his fans and followers about a fake email that was sent using his name in a bid to extort Rs. 3 crore. “#Fake guys please be careful of such fake people. I don’t know anyone named Saumya. They are using fake email ids and managers to con people,” he wrote.
Also Read: Rajkummar Rao concludes filming for Anubhav Sinha’s ‘Bheed’
The actor, who recently tied the knot with long time girlfriend Patralekha, also gave a glimpse of the mail that has been sent to few of his associates.
“Hi Arjun, As per our last conversation to you and my manager Saumya, I hereby say that I agree to work in the said film titled Honeymoon package, which is being written by Mr Santosh Maskey and the director on the crew is Also Mr Santosh Maskey. As I am physically not present in Mumbai, I am sending this consent on mail.”
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“The process of signing and script narration, the hard copy of the mailed agreement would be done once we are in Mumbai. The agreement will come into effect only when the agreed signing amount of ₹3,10,000,00 (50% of the total fees) is credited to my bank account or as per My manager Saumya said you are giving me a 10,00,00 in cash and 3,00,000,00 by cheque. I am comfortable on 6th of January for the narration in Hyderabad Ramoji Studio. You, director & Producer, are invited here along with all above the mail, Regards, Rajkumar Rao,” the mail reads.
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The actor’s hands are full with several projects including ‘Bheed’, directed by Anubhav Sinha. The upcoming film is a socio-political drama about the migrant crisis during the lockdown announced when COVID-19 first struck India. It also stars Bhumi Pednekar in the lead role.
He also has ‘Mr and Mrs Mahi’ also starring Jahnvi Kapoor. The movie, which appears to be a cricket drama, is scheduled to be released in theatres on October 7 this year.