Get over New York and Chicago, a new city has taken the throne in the US and how! The best pizza city in the US is now Portland, Oregon.
In their upcoming encyclopedia “Modernist Pizza”, authors Nathan Myhrvold and Francisco Migoyca deem the Portland pizza the best. The encyclopedia is slated to launch in October, 2021.
With visuals that’ll make you drool and details that’ll leave you dreaming of cheesy pizza bites, the encyclopaedia is three volumes and almost 1700 pages thick. It mentions over 1000 recipes, techniques to whip the best pizzas, and tips to bake delectable pies, while educating the reader about the history of pizza.
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Nathan Myhrvold was earlier the chief technology officer at Microsoft, who left to follow his other passions. In an interview with CNN Travel, he revealed that the encyclopaedia is the product of his 4-year-long labour, that made him visit 250 pizzerias before the world came to a standstill due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The unexpected winner
The author admitted to having no idea that Portland would win the game when the pizza sampling began.
“We knew Portland had undergone a foodie Renaissance of sorts in the last 20 years. But I didn’t particularly think that pizza was going to be as good there as many [other] places,” he said.
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According to Nathan Myhrvold, the drive to deliver the best and the innovation set the city apart. He found Apizza Scholls and Ken’s Artisan Pizza the best when he started his sampling journey in the city. However, as it progressed, the author realised there were just too many making lip-smacking pizza. He told CNN Travel, there’s just a huge, vibrant community of people making great pizza and the desire to do a great job, apart from creative commonalities, is what surprised him about Portland and it’s people.
Some of the pizza places mentioned in ‘Modernist Pizza’ that you can try are Lovely’s Fifty Fifty, Apizza Scholls, Handsome Pizza and Ken’s Artisan Pizza